Module: IOSIconGenerator::Helpers
- Defined in:
- lib/ios_icon_generator.rb,
The helpers used by the commands of IOSIconGenerator.
Class Method Summary collapse
.generate_icon(icon_path:, output_folder:, types:, parallel_processes: nil, generate_icon: nil, progress: nil) ⇒ String
Generate an icon using the base icon provided.
.image_sets(types) ⇒ Array<Hash<String, String>>
Get the image sets for the given types.
.mask_icon(appiconset_path:, output_folder:, mask: { background_color: '#FFFFFF', stroke_color: '#000000', stroke_width_offset: 0.1, suffix: 'Beta', symbol: 'b', symbol_color: '#7F0000', font: 'Helvetica', x_size_ratio: 0.54, y_size_ratio: 0.54, size_offset: 0.0, x_offset: 0.0, y_offset: 0.0, shape: 'triangle', }, parallel_processes: nil, progress: nil) ⇒ String
Mask an icon using the parameters provided.
.type_incompatible?(lhs, rhs) ⇒ Boolean
Check if the given types are compatible (if they can be used in the same set).
.which(cmd) ⇒ String
Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH.
Class Method Details
.generate_icon(icon_path:, output_folder:, types:, parallel_processes: nil, generate_icon: nil, progress: nil) ⇒ String
Generate an icon using the base icon provided.
If icon_path
is set to nil
, the function expects
to be set or the function will raise.
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# File 'lib/ios_icon_generator/helpers/generate_icon.rb', line 49 def self.generate_icon(icon_path:, output_folder:, types:, parallel_processes: nil, generate_icon: nil, progress: nil) if icon_path raise 'There is no icon at the path specified.' unless File.exist?(icon_path) raise 'The icon specified must be .pdf.' if File.extname(icon_path) != '.pdf' matches = /(\d+)x(\d+)/.match(`magick identify "#{icon_path}"`) raise 'Unable to verify icon. Please make sure it\'s a valid pdf file and try again.' if matches.nil? width, height = matches.captures raise 'Invalid pdf specified.' if width.nil? || height.nil? raise "The icon must at least be 1024x1024, it currently is #{width}x#{height}." unless width.to_i >= 1024 && height.to_i >= 1024 elsif generate_icon.nil? raise 'icon_path has been set to nil, generate_icon must be specified' end appiconset_path = File.join(output_folder, "#{types.include?(:imessage) ? 'iMessage App Icon' : 'AppIcon'}.#{types.include?(:imessage) ? 'stickersiconset' : 'appiconset'}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(appiconset_path) get_icon_path = lambda { |width, height| return File.join(appiconset_path, "Icon-#{width.to_i}x#{height.to_i}.png") } generate_icon ||= lambda { |base_path, target_path, width, height| size = [width, height].max system( 'magick', 'convert', '-density', '400', base_path, '-colorspace', 'sRGB', '-type', 'truecolor', '-resize', "#{size}x#{size}", '-gravity', 'center', '-crop', "#{width}x#{height}+0+0", '+repage', target_path ) } types.each do |type1| types.each do |type2| raise "Incompatible types used together: #{type1} and #{type2}. These types cannot be added to the same sets; please call the command twice with each different type." if Helpers.type_incompatible?(type1, type2) end end images_sets = Helpers.image_sets(types) smaller_sizes = [] images_sets.each do |image| width, height = /(\d+(?:\.\d)?)x(\d+(?:\.\d)?)/.match(image['size'])&.captures scale, = /(\d+(?:\.\d)?)x/.match(image['scale'])&.captures raise "Invalid size parameter in Contents.json: #{image['size']}" if width.nil? || height.nil? || scale.nil? scale = scale.to_f width = width.to_f * scale height = height.to_f * scale target_path =, height) image['filename'] = File.basename(target_path) if width > 512 || height > 512 icon_path, target_path, width, height ) else smaller_sizes << [width, height] end end total = smaller_sizes.count + 2 progress&.call(nil, total) max_size = smaller_sizes.flatten.max temp_icon_path = File.join(output_folder, '.temp_icon.pdf') begin system('magick', 'convert', '-density', '400', icon_path, '-colorspace', 'sRGB', '-type', 'truecolor', '-scale', "#{max_size}x#{max_size}", temp_icon_path) if icon_path progress&.call(1, total) Parallel.each( smaller_sizes, in_processes: parallel_processes, finish: lambda do |_item, i, _result| progress&.call(i + 1, total) end ) do |width, height| temp_icon_path,, height), width, height ) end ensure FileUtils.rm(temp_icon_path) if File.exist?(temp_icon_path) end contents_json = { images: images_sets, info: { version: 1, author: 'xcode', }, } File.write(File.join(appiconset_path, 'Contents.json'), JSON.pretty_generate(contents_json)) progress&.call(total - 1, total) appiconset_path end |
.image_sets(types) ⇒ Array<Hash<String, String>>
Get the image sets for the given types.
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
# File 'lib/ios_icon_generator/helpers/image_sets_definition.rb', line 29 def self.image_sets(types) types.flat_map do |type| contents_path = File.(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../vendor/Contents-#{type}.json")) raise "Unknown type #{type}" unless File.exist?(contents_path) contents_json = JSON.parse( contents_json['images'] end end |
.mask_icon(appiconset_path:, output_folder:, mask: { background_color: '#FFFFFF', stroke_color: '#000000', stroke_width_offset: 0.1, suffix: 'Beta', symbol: 'b', symbol_color: '#7F0000', font: 'Helvetica', x_size_ratio: 0.54, y_size_ratio: 0.54, size_offset: 0.0, x_offset: 0.0, y_offset: 0.0, shape: 'triangle', }, parallel_processes: nil, progress: nil) ⇒ String
Mask an icon using the parameters provided.
The mask is for now always generated in the bottom left corner of the image.
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# File 'lib/ios_icon_generator/helpers/mask_icon.rb', line 56 def self.mask_icon( appiconset_path:, output_folder:, mask: { background_color: '#FFFFFF', stroke_color: '#000000', stroke_width_offset: 0.1, suffix: 'Beta', symbol: 'b', symbol_color: '#7F0000', font: 'Helvetica', x_size_ratio: 0.54, y_size_ratio: 0.54, size_offset: 0.0, x_offset: 0.0, y_offset: 0.0, shape: 'triangle', }, parallel_processes: nil, progress: nil ) extension = File.extname(appiconset_path) output_folder = File.join(output_folder, "#{File.basename(appiconset_path, extension)}-#{mask[:suffix]}#{extension}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_folder) contents_path = File.join(appiconset_path, 'Contents.json') raise "Contents.json file not found in #{appiconset_path}" unless File.exist?(contents_path) json_content = JSON.parse( progress&.call(nil, json_content['images'].count) Parallel.each( json_content['images'], in_processes: parallel_processes, finish: lambda do |_item, i, result| json_content['images'][i]['filename'] = result progress&.call(i, json_content['images'].count) end ) do |image| width, height = /(\d+(?:\.\d)?)x(\d+(?:\.\d)?)/.match(image['size'])&.captures scale, = /(\d+(?:\.\d)?)x/.match(image['scale'])&.captures raise "Invalid size parameter in Contents.json: #{image['size']}" if width.nil? || height.nil? || scale.nil? scale = scale.to_f width = width.to_f * scale height = height.to_f * scale mask_size_width = width * mask[:x_size_ratio].to_f mask_size_height = height * mask[:y_size_ratio].to_f extension = File.extname(image['filename']) icon_output = "#{File.basename(image['filename'], extension)}-#{mask[:suffix]}#{extension}" icon_output_path = File.join(output_folder, icon_output) draw_shape_parameters = "-strokewidth '#{(mask[:stroke_width_offset] || 0) * [width, height].min}' -stroke '#{mask[:stroke_width_offset].zero? ? 'none' : (mask[:stroke_color] || '#000000')}' -fill '#{mask[:background_color] || '#FFFFFF'}'" draw_shape = case mask[:shape] when :triangle "-draw \"polyline -#{width},#{height - mask_size_height} 0,#{height - mask_size_height} #{mask_size_width},#{height} #{mask_size_width},#{height * 2.0} -#{width},#{height * 2.0}\"" when :square "-draw \"rectangle -#{width},#{height * 2.0} #{mask_size_height},#{width - mask_size_width}\"" else raise "Unknown mask shape: #{mask[:shape]}" end draw_symbol = if mask[:file] "\\( -background none -density 1536 -resize #{width * mask[:size_offset]}x#{height} \"#{mask[:file]}\" -geometry +#{width * mask[:x_offset]}+#{height * mask[:y_offset]} \\) -gravity southwest -composite" else "-strokewidth 0 -stroke none -fill '#{mask[:symbol_color] || '#7F0000'}' -font '#{mask[:font]}' -pointsize #{height * mask[:size_offset] * 2.0} -annotate +#{width * mask[:x_offset]}+#{height - height * mask[:y_offset]} '#{mask[:symbol]}'" end system("convert '#{File.join(appiconset_path, image['filename'])}' #{draw_shape_parameters} #{draw_shape} #{draw_symbol} '#{icon_output_path}'") next icon_output end File.write(File.join(output_folder, 'Contents.json'), JSON.pretty_generate(json_content)) output_folder end |
.type_incompatible?(lhs, rhs) ⇒ Boolean
Check if the given types are compatible (if they can be used in the same set)
46 47 48 |
# File 'lib/ios_icon_generator/helpers/image_sets_definition.rb', line 46 def self.type_incompatible?(lhs, rhs) (lhs == :imessage && rhs != :imessage) || (lhs != :imessage && rhs == :imessage) end |
.which(cmd) ⇒ String
Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH.
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# File 'lib/ios_icon_generator/helpers/which.rb', line 27 def self.which(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable?(exe) && ! end end nil end |